Here I’ve linked a Youtube video teaching a figure skating forward inside pivot because even though this word- Pivot- is being batted around a lot this week (at least in Ontario) I feel like the concept hasn’t been adequately explained. And I think the figure skating metaphor is apt. I also wonder if many of the folks using the word has actually ever done a physical pivot with their body? The physical metaphor is so informative and helpful when thinking about what we are asking folks to do mentally, emotionally, and relationally.
With a pivot on the ice there are a few things that are essential: stability, balance, and transfer. When we’re thinking about pivoting in our home and work life these concepts are equally important. As parents, what does stability in your home look like for your kids at this time? To understand or choose how you want stability to look in your home, consider your values and go from there. For us we have choose calm as the value we want to align with most during this round of homeschooling. What does this mean in terms of stability?
For us, it means having a consistent meal, sleep, and movement schedule that is non-negotiable (and discussed in advance with each family member). It also means that everything else- work, school, friends- are coming AFTER ensuring that we are well rested, fed and have movement. It also means that we have bedtime routine staying the same. It means we get dressed and leave the house close to the same time as we went to school- but instead of walking to school- we are taking the dog for a hike in the forest and then coming home to each of our work/play times.
What about balance? What does balance mean for your family? How does it fit with stability and transfer?
For us, keeping aligned with calm and thinking about balance means that since I have a full workload this week, the balance is thanks to my husband shouldering more than he did in January with the kids and household management. He is willingly taking this on and is able to do it. Next week, I am doing more with the kids. We are finding our balance by sharing the load. For me, it is consciously saying NO to things, both professional and personal, in order to not over extend and get out of balance.
And for transfer- this means delegating. In other periods of virtual schooling we were super involved (and needed to be). This week we are not. Our daughter is taking an extra few days of spring break. Our son was also given that option and has chosen to self-direct his learning. That means we are letting go of our need to manage, instruct, or assist. We are also letting him, potentially make mistakes. This also means he gets to have full and complete ownership of his accomplishments and understand his own motivation in a new and different way. This feels like a safe opportunity to let him work things out because it is 3 days and then Spring Break. After spring break we will choose how to proceed. If it has gone well for him, it means we step back and allow him to have the freedom to self-direct and engage with online schooling on his term. Trusting him. If it has been a struggle, we find ways to support him in reaching his goal because he has informed us that school is a priority for him.
The other thing that any kind of pivot requires is paying attention on purpose to small movements… So these are my thoughts about this “pivot” thing.